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Home » “Ăn trọn điểm” IELTS Speaking Topic WEATHER Part 1,2,3

"Ăn trọn điểm" IELTS Speaking Topic WEATHER Part 1,2,3

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“WEATHER” là một chủ đề khá thú vị và hay xuất hiện trong phần thi IELTS Speaking. Vì vậy, hãy để Smartcom English giúp bạn ăn trọn điểm IELTS Speaking Topic WEATHER Part 1 và Part 2, Part 3 trong bài viết dưới đây nhé!

Topic Weather IELTS
Topic Weather IELTS

Từ vựng & ngữ pháp IELTS Speaking chủ đề Weather

Từ Vựng Thời Tiết Theo Nhiệt Độ

  1. Hot Weather:
    • Scorching (rất nóng)
    • Sweltering (oi bức)
    • Boiling (nóng chảy mỡ)
    • Blazing (nắng gắt)
  2. Warm Weather:
    • Mild (ấm áp)
    • Balmy (dịu mát)
    • Pleasant (dễ chịu)
    • Temperate (ôn hòa)
  3. Cold Weather:
    • Chilly (lạnh buốt)
    • Freezing (đóng băng)
    • Frosty (đầy sương giá)
    • Nippy (lạnh buốt)
  4. Cool Weather:
    • Crisp (mát lạnh)
    • Brisk (mát mẻ)
    • Refreshing (sảng khoái)

Từ Vựng Về Tình Trạng Thời Tiết

  1. Sunny Weather:
    • Clear skies (trời quang)
    • Sunny spells (có nắng)
    • Bright (sáng sủa)
    • Beaming (chiếu rọi)
  2. Cloudy Weather:
    • Overcast (u ám)
    • Gloomy (ảm đạm)
    • Dull (xám xịt)
    • Partly cloudy (có mây rải rác)
  3. Rainy Weather:
    • Drizzling (mưa phùn)
    • Pouring (mưa như trút nước)
  4. Stormy Weather:
    • Thunderstorm (bão có sấm sét)
    • Gusty winds (gió giật mạnh)
    • Lightning (sét đánh)
    • Gale (gió mạnh)
  5. Snowy Weather:
    • Snowfall (tuyết rơi)
    • Snowstorm (bão tuyết)
    • Flurries (tuyết rơi nhẹ)
    • Blizzard (bão tuyết lớn)

Cấu Trúc Câu Ăn Điểm Chủ Đề Thời Tiết

  1. Describing Preferences:
    • “I prefer warm weather because it’s more comfortable to be outside.”
    • “I’m not a fan of cold weather as it makes me feel sluggish.”
  2. Describing Changes:
    • “The weather has been quite unpredictable lately, one minute it’s sunny and the next it’s pouring.”
    • “Over the past few years, we’ve experienced more extreme weather conditions.”
  3. Talking About Experiences:
    • “One of the best vacations I had was in a place with consistently mild weather.”
  4. Expressing Effects:
    • “Sunny weather always lifts my spirits and makes me feel more energetic.”
    • “On gloomy, overcast days, I tend to feel a bit down and unmotivated.”
  5. Making Comparisons:
    • “Compared to my hometown, where it’s mostly humid, the weather here is quite dry.”
    • “Winter here is not as harsh as it is in the northern regions.”

Bằng việc sử dụng các từ vựng và cấu trúc câu này, bạn có thể miêu tả thời tiết một cách chi tiết và ấn tượng, qua đó tăng cơ hội đạt điểm cao trong phần thi IELTS Speaking.

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Topic Weather Part 1

Speaking chủ đề Weather
Speaking chủ đề Weather

Question 1: Which season do you like best? Why?

Well, my favorite season is spring because the weather starts to warm up and it isn’t too hot or too cold. In the spring, I spend my leisure time on outdoor activities like hanging out with my friend at some local coffee or eating out at a local restaurant.

Từ vựng hay:

  • Warm up [wɔrm ʌp]: Ấm lên.
  • Hang out [hæŋ aʊt]: Đi chơi (thường dùng là đi với bạn bè).
  • Eat out [iːt aʊt]: Đi ăn ở ngoài.
  • Leisure time [ˈlɛʒər taɪm]: Thời gian rảnh.
  • Outdoor activity [ˈaʊtˌdɔr ækˈtɪvɪti]: Hoạt động ngoài trời.

Question 2: What is the weather usually like in your hometown?

You know, my hometown is located in the North of Viet Nam. Therefore, we have a chance to undergo four seasons of the year such as summer, winter, autumn, and spring. However, sometimes the weather can be extremely serious, especially in the summer, the temperature can reach up to 40 degrees.

Từ vựng hay: 

  • Have a chance [hæv ə tʃæns]: Có cơ hội.
  • Undergo [ˌʌndərˈɡoʊ]: Trải qua.
  • Extremely serious [ɪkˈstriːmli ˈsɪriəs]: Vô cùng nghiêm trọng.

Question 3: Do you do different things in different weather?

Definitely yes. If the weather is so hot or so cold, I just stay indoors to enjoy my favorite hobbies like watching movies or reading novels. But if the weather is mild, I will take part in some outdoor activities like going for a walk around the riverbank or working out like riding a bike or flying the kite.

Từ vựng hay: 

  • Mild [maɪld]: Dịu mát,ôn hoà.
  • Go for a walk [ɡoʊ fɔr ə wɔːk]: Đi bộ.
  • Work out [wɜːrk aʊt]: Tập thể dục.

Question 4: How is the weather today?

I would say that today is a lovely day, It rained a little bit this morning. I like this kind of weather, so I stay at home to enjoy a cup of coffee and turn on a song with a romantic melody. It helps me relax and unwind after a long day of hard work.

Từ vựng hay:

  • Melody [ˈmɛlədi]: Giai điệu.
  • Turn on [tɜrn ɒn] : Bật.
  • Relax and unwind [rɪˈlæks ænd ˌʌnˈwaɪnd]: Thư giãn và nghỉ ngơi.

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Topic Weather Part 2

Speaking Topic Weather
Speaking Topic Weather

Question: Describe a day when you thought the weather was perfect.

You should say:

Where you were on this day

What the weather was like on this day

What you do during the day

And explain why you thought the weather was perfect on this day.

Weather plays an important role in our lives, and it can impact our moods and activities. As soon as I looked at the topic, I knew that I would like to take this opportunity to depict the day that stands out in my memory as the perfect day in terms of weather.

It was a day in late summer. I was in my countryside in a small village surrounded by green fields, trees, flowers, and forests, and it had a fresh and peaceful atmosphere.On this particular day, the weather was impeccable. It was sunny, and breezy with the clear blue sky. The temperature was just right, not too hot or too cold. It was the kind of weather that made me want to spend more time on outdoor activities and enjoy the beauty of nature.

I decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather to go for a walk along the riverbank with my friend. The scenery was breathtaking with the fresh air. During that time, my friend and I shared everything about working and studying that happened on weekdays and exchanged funny stories. It was a good way to relax and unwind after long days of hard work. I considered this day perfect because the weather was ideal for outdoor activities. It was a day that brought joy and positivity to my life, and it left me full of energy to start a new day.

Từ vựng hay:

  • Take opportunity [teɪk ˌɑpərˈtuːnəti]: Bắt lấy cơ hội.
  • Depict [dɪˈpɪkt]: Miêu tả.
  • Play an important role [pleɪ ən ˌɪmˈpɔrtnt roʊl]: Đóng 1 vai trò quan trọng.
  • Stand out [stænd aʊt]: Nổi bật.
  • In terms of [ɪn tɜːrmz ʌv]: Xét về mặt.
  • Impeccable [ɪmˈpɛkəbl]: Hoàn hảo.
  • Breezy [ˈbriːzi]: Có gió mát.
  • Take advantage of [teɪk ədˈvæntɪdʒ ʌv]: Nắm lấy lợi ích.
  • Breathtaking [ˈbreθˌteɪkɪŋ]: Ngoạn mục.
  • Relax and unwind [rɪˈlæks ænd ˌʌnˈwaɪnd]: Thư giãn và nghỉ ngơi.
Cùng nhau ôn luyện Topic Weather IELTS
Cùng nhau ôn luyện Topic Weather IELTS

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Topic Weather Part 3

Question: How does the weather affect people’s lives in your country?

Weather significantly impacts people’s lives in my country. For instance, during the hot and humid summer months, people often plan activities to avoid the heat, such as going to the beach or staying indoors with air conditioning. In winter, especially in the northern regions, heavy snowfall can disrupt daily life by causing travel delays and school closures. The pleasant weather in spring and autumn encourages outdoor activities and festivals, which are a big part of our culture.

  • Snowfall: tuyết rơi
  • Pleasant weather: thời tiết dễ chịu

Question: Do you think climate change is affecting the weather?

Yes, I believe climate change is affecting the weather. Over the past few decades, we’ve observed more extreme weather conditions, such as hotter summers, colder winters, and more intense storms and rainfall. These changes can be attributed to global warming and the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Climate change also leads to unpredictable weather patterns, which can have various negative impacts on agriculture, health, and overall lifestyle.

  • Extreme weather conditions: điều kiện thời tiết khắc nghiệt
  • Global warming: sự nóng lên toàn cầu
  • Greenhouse gases: khí nhà kính
  • Unpredictable weather patterns: mô hình thời tiết khó dự đoán

Question: Does air pollution affect the weather?

Absolutely, air pollution can affect the weather in several ways. Pollution particles in the atmosphere can influence cloud formation and precipitation patterns, potentially leading to increased cloudiness and altered rainfall. High levels of air pollution can also contribute to the greenhouse effect, which affects temperature and climate patterns over time. Smog, caused by pollution, can reduce the amount of sunlight reaching the ground, affecting temperatures and sometimes leading to cooler conditions in heavily polluted areas.

  • Cloud formation: sự hình thành mây
  • Precipitation patterns: các hình thái mưa
  • Greenhouse effect: hiệu ứng nhà kính
  • Smog: khói bụi

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