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Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 1 và các chủ đề thường gặp

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Trong phần thi IELTS Speaking, khả năng tự tin và khả năng giao tiếp cơ bản của bạn sẽ được đánh giá thông qua 3 phần thi: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3. Để giúp bạn chuẩn bị tốt nhất cho các phần này, trước hết chúng ta sẽ tìm hiểu những chủ đề phổ biến và cùng nhau tham khảo các bài mẫu trả lời để đạt được điểm tối đa. Hãy bắt đầu hành trình chinh phục IELTS cùng Smartcom ngay bây giờ nha!

1. Tổng quan về IELTS Speaking Part 1

IELTS Speaking Part 1 giới thiệu thí sinh với một loạt câu hỏi chung về bản thân, gia đình, công việc và sở thích. Đây là giai đoạn đầu tiên để tạo sự thoải mái và làm quen với người chấm. Trong phần này, thí sinh thường phải trả lời từ 4-5 câu hỏi và thời gian kéo dài khoảng 4-5 phút.


2. Các chủ đề thông dụng và bài mẫu gợi ý cách trả lời trong IELTS Speaking Part 1

2.1. Music

IELTS Speaking chủ đề Music
IELTS Speaking Part 1 chủ đề Âm nhạc (Music)

Question 1: What music do you like?
I would say I like ballads a lot. Somehow it resonates with my life and my personal experience, especially when it comes to love, obviously. I listen to ballads all the time or wherever I go because I believe it has the power to at least heal my soul.

  • resonate with: cộng hưởng với
  • heal my soul: chữa lành tâm hồn

Question 2: What music do you dislike?
I think I don’t really like rock and roll. I just don’t know the reason why people spend a lot of time just to see and hear people screaming and yelling on stage, as it gives me a chronic headache and really irritates me sometimes. I just don’t really enjoy rock and roll that much.

  • gives me a chronic headache: Khiến tôi đau đầu

Question 3: Do you often listen to one type of music?
I would say I’m an afraid-to-change type of guy so I would stick with ballads. And as I mentioned before, ballad helps me to … you know, it’s kinda like a vitamin to heal my soul and my body, especially when my mood is down or depressed.

  • an afraid-to-change type of guy: Người không dễ thay đổi

Question 4: What music do your friends like? Do they enjoy the same type of music?
My best friend is obsessed with K-pop, which has recently gotten more and more popular. Even though she doesn’t really understand the lyrics, the catchiness of the songs still draws her attention. We both love ballads. But she believes that ballads should be listened to when people feel down, I don’t agree with her.

  • catchiness: độ bắt tai
  • feel down: cảm thấy buồn

Question 5: What’s the most popular type of music where you live?
Right now, TikTok Sounds. Many TikTokers prefer using short parts of songs and try to remix them, which introduces extra tunes in order to make songs catchier and more hyped up. Even original songs are not that common compared to viral sounds on TikTok. Also, due to their shortness, TikTok Sounds are easy to remember.

  • tunes: Giai điệu
  • viral sounds: Những âm thanh nổi tiếng (trên TikTok)

Question 6: Which singer or musician would you like to see in person?
Without further ado, I would say the one and only living diva on the planet, Mariah Carey. Her serene, angelic voice is legendary. Whoever listens to her songs would have to agree that her voice is similar to the strongest pill that could heal everyone’s hearts and souls. As a music lover, I would die to have a vocal coaching session with her—or at least see her in real life!

  • the one and only: Chỉ một và duy nhất
  • serene: Nhẹ nhàng an nhiên
  • angelic: Tựa thiên thần
  • strongest pill: Viên thuốc mạnh nhất
  • heals everyone’s hearts and souls: Chữa lành trái tim và linh hồn của mọi người
  • a vocal coaching session: Buổi huấn luyện thanh nhạc

2.2. Accommodation

Bài mẫu Speaking IELTS part 1 chủ đề Accomodation
Bài mẫu Speaking IELTS part 1 chủ đề Accomodation

Question 1:What is your favorite room in your home? Why?

My favorite spot at home is the living room. It’s spacious, well-lit, and adorned with comfy furniture. The large window lets in lots of natural light and cozy touch—ideal for unwinding after a long day. I like to relax and watch TV with my family in the living room. This room is truly the heart of my home, where I feel most comfortable. 

  • well-lit: đủ ánh sáng
  • adorned with: được trang trí bằng
  • unwinding: thư giãn

Question 2: Who do you live with?

I live with my family. There are 4 of us. We have a cozy three-bedroom house in a peaceful neighborhood. Living with my family is wonderful because there’s always someone to chat with and enjoy meals together. We collaborate on household chores and provide emotional support to one another. I consider myself fortunate to have such a loving and supportive family to share my home with.

  • chat with: trò chuyện cùng
  • collaborate on: cùng làm, cùng chia sẻ với nhau

Question 3: Do you prefer living in a house or a flat? 

I prefer houses over flats. Despite the higher cost, the convenience and freedom they offer are worth it. I value the independence of a house, avoiding communal elevators and potential parking challenges often associated with apartment living.

  • communal elevators: thang máy chung
  • associated with: cùng với, kết hợp với

2.3. Shopping

Bài mẫu Speaking IELTS part 1 chủ đề Shopping
Bài mẫu Speaking IELTS part 1 chủ đề Shopping

Question 1: How often do you go shopping? 

My shopping habits generally involve making a purchase around once a month, although I rarely plan ahead. I find myself succumbing to impulse buying, which can be quite tempting. While I don’t necessarily strive to own the latest items, if something catches my eye, I usually take a moment to carefully consider the purchase before making a decision.

  • making a purchase:  mua sắm, mua đồ
  • plan ahead: lên kế hoạch trước
  • strive to own something: nỗ lực để sở hữu một thứ gì đó
  • catches my eye: thu hút sự chú ý, gây ấn tượng

Question 2: Do you prefer shopping alone or with others? 

I prefer shopping with someone, whether it’s a friend or my mom. It adds enjoyment to the experience, and having someone I trust by my side helps me make better decisions.

  • adds enjoyment: tạo thêm niềm vui, sự hứng thú
  • make better decisions: đưa ra những quyết định đúng đắn hơn

Question 3: Where do you like to buy when you go shopping? 

That will depend on what I want to buy. If I buy food, I will go to supermarkets or grocery stores. If I buy clothes, I will visit shopping centers where there are many different brands for easy selection.

  • depend on: phụ thuộc vào

Question 4: Do you prefer shopping online or going to actual stores? 

I appreciate the convenience of both shopping online and visiting physical stores. But when I don’t have too much time, I choose to shop online. At the same time, when shopping online, you can know the price in advance without asking the staff and can get better deals than when buying in stores.

  • in advance: trước, biết trước
  • get better: đạt được, có được những thứ tốt hơn.

2.4. Birthday

Question 1: What do you usually do in your birthday? 

I tend to hang out with my friends. It doesn’t necessarily even have to feel like a birthday party, but more like a friend reunion. After returning home from the U.S., I don’t have many friends due to lack of time. I work day and night in order to fulfill my dreams of buying a house and traveling around the world. My old school friends and I barely meet each other these days. As such, we decided to choose my birthday to turn into a friend meetup, where we hang out, have coffee, and take photos.

  • tend to do something: có xu hướng làm điều gì
  • a friend union: một cuộc gặp mặt bạn bè
  • work day and night: làm việc suốt ngày đêm
  • fulfill my dreams: hiện thực hóa ước mơ
  • friend meetup: gặp gỡ bạn bè

Question 2: What kinds of birthday gifts do you like to receive?

Personally, I appreciate thoughtful and meaningful birthday gifts. The most important aspect for me is the consideration behind the gift, rather than its monetary value. Occasionally, the gifts I receive might not exactly match my taste or preferences. But that’s okay. It’s the genuine affection and thoughtfulness behind the gift that truly resonates with me, making it special and meaningful.

  • monetary value: giá trị tiền bạc
  • match my taste: đúng với sở thích của tôi
  • affection: sự cảm kích
  • thoughtfulness: sự chu đáo
  • resonate with someone: tạo ấn tượng mạnh mẽ với ai đó

Question 3: What did you do on your birthday when you were young?

When I was young, I often held parties at home or at a restaurant, inviting friends and relatives to attend. We often sit together, sing happy birthday songs and blow out the candles. It creates a joyful atmosphere and those childhood birthday memories hold a special place in my heart.

  • blow out: thổi
  • a joyful atmosphere: bầu không khí vui vẻ

Question 4: Do you enjoy birthdays?

I absolutely love them. Birthdays bring along with them so much positivity and a feeling of freshness, from connecting with people, playing games, sharing delicious cakes to singing birthday songs. That’s when we can relax and continue living with the joy of a new age. There is a unique magic to birthdays that makes them truly special.

  • feeling of freshness: cảm giác sảng khoái, tươi mới

2.5. Space and stars

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 1 chủ đề Space and Stars
Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 1 chủ đề Space and Stars

Question 1: Have you ever learned about outer space and stars?

Yes, I have learned it from scientific articles and online research. Back then when I was at the university, there was a class called “Science and Religion,” which mainly focused on demonstrating the connection between scientific and religious explanations about the origin of stars and the universe.   

  • scientific articles/research: bài báo/nghiên cứu khoa học
  • scientific and religious explanations: lời giải thích theo quan điểm khoa học và tôn giáo
  • origin of stars and the universe: nguồn gốc của các vì sao và vũ trụ

Question 2: Do you like science fiction movies? Why or why not?

Well, not really. I find it kinda boring to me. I would say I prefer something more realistic, in which I can learn moral lessons or gain better perspectives. I mean I think it’s such a waste of time spending a lot of time seeing a bunch of people fighting or using so-called high-tech weapons to kill each other. 

  • realistic: thực tế
  • moral lessons: bài học đạo đức
  • gain better perspectives: có những góc nhìn tốt hơn
  • high-tech weapons: vũ khí hiện đại

Question 3: Do you want to know more about outer space?

Yes, absolutely. I want to know more about the universe and other planets. So, one of my biggest questions is what is there beyond the earth’s atmosphere. Are there aliens? If so, how can I communicate with them? How can I identify those with good and those with bad intentions? And I mean, we as humans are all crammed together on this small planet; therefore, we need to have a backup plan for the future. 

  • beyond the earth’s atmospher: bên ngoài khí quyển
  • aliens: người ngoài hành tinh
  • to be all crammed together: đông đúc
  • a backup plan: phương án dự phòng

Question 4: Do you want to go into outer space in the future?

Yes I’m a travelholic, so I really want to travel to the universe to understand more stars, space and everything. I mean it’s incredible it would be to participate in a strict training process to board a spacecraft. Also, I might need to learn how to use advanced technology to catch signals from terrestrial entities. Just thinking about it  literally gives me goosebumps.

  • travelholic: người đam mê du lịch
  • strict training process: quá trình rèn luyện khắc nghiệt, nghiêm khắc
  • catch signals: bắt được tín hiệu
  • advanced technology: công nghệ hiện đại
  • terrestrial entities: thực thể ngoài trái đất
  • goosebumps: nổi da gà

Trên đây là tóm tắt các bài mẫu câu hỏi IELTS Speaking Part 1 và các chủ đề thường xuất hiện trong phần thi IELTS Speaking. Smartcom hy vọng rằng mẫu câu trả lời từ chúng tôi sẽ giúp bạn có cái nhìn tổng quan hơn về kỳ thi Nói IELTS và mong rằng những bài mẫu này sẽ là công cụ ôn tập hiệu quả giúp bạn chuẩn bị tốt cho bài thi của mình. Tham khảo các tips ôn IELTS Speaking tại https://smartcom.vn/blog/ky-nang-ielts/ielts-speaking/

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