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IELTS Holiday Vocabulary: Từ vựng và câu trả lời tham khảo!

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Chủ đề Holiday là một chủ đề phổ biến trong các bài thi IELTS, đặc biệt là kĩ năng Nói (Speaking). Tuy nhiên, để có một câu trả lời chính xác và “ăn điểm” trọn vẹn, bạn sẽ cần chuẩn bị thật kỹ cả về mặt nội dung, khả năng diễn đạt và ngữ pháp. Bên cạnh đó, việc sử dụng các từ vựng liên quan đến chủ đề cũng giúp bạn tự tin và gây ấn tượng với giám khảo hơn. Hãy cùng Smartcom English “bỏ túi” ngay một danh sách IELTS Holiday Vocabulary – từ vựng về chủ đề kỳ nghỉ – thông qua bài viết bên dưới nhé!

IELTS Holiday Vocabulary

Tổng hợp IELTS Holiday Vocabulary thường gặp

STT Từ Phiên âm Nghĩa
1 Accessibility ək.ses.əˈbɪ.lə.ti Khả năng tiếp cận
2 Accommodation əˌkɒməˈdeɪ.ʃən Chỗ ở
3 Adventure ədˈven.tʃə Khám phá, phiêu lưu
4 All-inclusive ˌɔːl.ɪnˈkluː.sɪv Bao trọn gói
5 Backpacking ˈbæk.pæk.ɪŋ Du lịch bụi
6 Backpacking adventure ˈbæk.pæk.ɪŋ ədˈven.tʃə Phiêu lưu du lịch bụi
7 Beach biːtʃ Bãi biển
8 Blow off some steam bloʊ ɒf səm stiːm Giải tỏa căng thẳng
9 Booking ˈbʊk.ɪŋ Đặt chỗ
10 Break breɪk Thời gian nghỉ ngơi
11 Breathtaking ˈbreθ.teɪ.kɪŋ Đẹp đến nghẹt thở
12 Budget ˈbʌdʒ.ɪt Ngân sách
13 Cancellation kæn.səˈleɪ.ʃən Hủy bỏ
14 Cruise kruːz Du thuyền
15 Cultural experience ˈkʌl.tʃərəl ɪkˈspɪə.ri.əns Trải nghiệm văn hóa
16 Culture ˈkʌl.tʃə Văn hóa
17 Delicious dɪˈlɪ.ʃəs Ngon
18 Destination ˌdes.təˈneɪ.ʃən Điểm đến
19 Enjoyment ɪnˈdʒɔɪ.mənt Thưởng thức
20 Excursion ɪkˈskɜː.ʃən Chuyến du ngoạn
21 Exploration ɪk.splɔːˈreɪ.ʃən Khám phá
22 Festival ˈfes.tə.vəl Lễ hội
23 Flight flaɪt Chuyến bay
24 Friendly ˈfrɛnd.li Thân thiện
25 Get away ɡet əˈweɪ Trốn đi, đi du lịch
26 Go on holiday ɡoʊ ɒn ˈhɒlə.deɪ Đi nghỉ
27 Guide gaɪd Hướng dẫn viên
28 Hidden ˈhɪ.dən Ẩn náu
29 Hostel ˈhɒs.təl Nhà nghỉ
30 Hotel hoʊˈtel Khách sạn
31 Hustle and bustle ˈhʌs.əl ænd ˈbʌs.əl Ồn ào, náo nhiệt
32 Immersion ɪˈmɜːr.ʃən Sự đắm chìm
33 Itinerary aɪˈtɪn.ə.rɛ.ri Lịch trình
34 Journey ˈdʒɜː.ni Hành trình
35 Landmark ˈlænd.mɑːk Điểm mốc
36 Leisure ˈleʒ.ə Giải trí
37 Local ˈloʊ.kəl Địa phương
38 Long vacation lɔːŋ veɪˈkeɪ.ʃən Kỳ nghỉ dài
39 Memorable experience ˈmem.ə.ra.bəl ɪkˈspɪə.ri.əns Trải nghiệm đáng nhớ
40 Off-season ˌɔːfˈsiː.zn Mùa vãn khách
41 Pack (one’s luggage) pæk Đóng gói hành lý
42 Package tour ˈpæk.ɪdʒ ˈtur Tour du lịch trọn gói
43 Peak season piːk ˈsiː.zn Mùa cao điểm
44 Perspective pərˈspek.tɪv Góc nhìn
45 Recharge riːˈtʃɑːrdʒ Nạp năng lượng
46 Rejuvenate riːˈdʒuː.və.neɪt Làm trẻ lại
47 Short break ʃɔːrt breɪk Kỳ nghỉ ngắn
48 Solo trip ˈsoʊ.loʊ trɪp Chuyến đi một mình
49 Tourist attraction ˈtur.ɪst əˈtræk.ʃən Điểm tham quan du lịch
50 Vibrant ˈvaɪ.brənt Sống động

IELTS Holiday Vocabulary trong IELTS Speaking Part 1

Question 1: Do you enjoy taking holidays? Why or why not?

Absolutely! A holiday is often the time for me to pack my luggage and blow off some steam by going on a trip. I often consider this an opportunity to escape my hustle and bustle workload. As a result, I feel refreshed and fully prepared when I get back to work. 

IELTS Holiday Vocabulary: Travel to blow off some steam

Question 2: Who do you usually spend your holiday trips with?

It depends on the type of the trip. I would normally spend the holidays with my family members during a long vacation. However, if it’s a short break just to explore new destinations or to unwind, I prefer going with my best friends or going on a solo trip.

Question 3: Do you prefer to travel during peak season or off-season? Why?

I will definitely be in favor of the off-season time. During peak season, travelers flock to tourist attraction sites to enjoy their holidays. So the crowds are bigger and the prices are higher. Traveling during the low season helps me stay on a budget and truly immerse myself in the target destination.

IELTS Holiday Vocabulary: Travel during off-season time.

IELTS Holiday Vocabulary trong IELTS Speaking Part 2

Question: Describe a trip you had on holiday.

Câu hỏi IELTS Holiday Vocabulary

A solo backpacking adventure through Thailand a couple of years ago was one of my most memorable experiences. It was a complete break from my usual routine, which allowed me to explore at my own pace and immerse myself in a completely different culture. I began in busy Bangkok, embracing the vibrant street markets and towering temples.  Then I took trains and buses to explore small towns and hidden beaches.  I enjoyed the freedom of renting a motorcycle and discovering hidden waterfalls and local restaurants.

One of the highlights of the trip was staying with a local family in a little town in the north.  We didn’t speak the same language. They spoke very little English and I didn’t speak fluent Thai. But, in the end, we communicated through smiles and gestures.  They even taught me some basic Thai phrases for bargaining and asking for directions, as well as how to cook their traditional curries! To be honest, Thailand’s breathtaking scenery, delicious cuisine, and friendly people are factors that set this city apart from other countries. This solo trip certainly deepened my love for Thailand, and I do hope to revisit the country in the near future!

IELTS Holiday Vocabulary: Solo trip to Thailand

IELTS Holiday Vocabulary trong IELTS Speaking Part 3

Question 1:  What are some of the factors you look for in a holiday destination?

In my opinion, a good holiday destination should be a combination of relaxing and exploring. For instance, I attach great importance to the beautiful scenery and delicious local cuisine, as they offer me opportunities to enjoy my trip. At the same time, the cultural experiences and lifestyle of the locals are also important factors. Only through authentic experiences, I can broaden my knowledge and perspectives, as well as discover new things about other cultures. After that, I will consider things like safety, accessibility, and budget when making my decision.

Question 2: How have holiday activities changed over the years?

People have surely changed how they spend their holidays. In the past, it was all about staying at home or opting for family gatherings. Now, people seem to have diversified their holidays in many ways. For instance, they are more into traveling or going on trips to create memories and deepen their experience. There’s also a bigger focus on self-development activities like learning yoga, volunteering or simply learning a new skill. It’s all about developing yourself, rejuvenating, and refreshing an individual’s mind.

Question 3: How do holidays contribute to the economy?

Holidays are truly an economic boost, especially when people frequently go on trips for days off. Firstly, tourists spend expenses on travel, hostels, food, and souvenirs. This money will support traveling businesses like local restaurants and shops and encourage more job opportunities in the area. Secondly, airlines and transportation also benefit from travelers’ decisions, hence contributing to the growth of the economy in general and the tourism industry in particular. So, holidays bring various economic advantages to the landmarks that rely on tourism.

IELTS Holiday Vocabulary: How holidays affect economy

Trên đây là tổng hợp những từ vựng IELTS Holiday Vocabulary thường gặp và một số câu trả lời tham khảo trong các phần IELTS Speaking Part 1, 2 và 3. Mong rằng các từ vựng sẽ giúp ích cho bạn trong quá trình chuẩn bị cho bài thi sắp tới. Smartcom English chúc các bạn ôn luyện tốt và đạt kết quả cao!



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