Ảnh nền đường dẫn điều hướng của bài viết IELTS Speaking part 3: Retirement and old age (Từ vựng & bài nói)
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IELTS Speaking part 3: Retirement and old age (Từ vựng & bài nói)

Cùng ôn luyện từ vựng và bài nói mẫu theo chủ đề "Retirement and old age" thường gặp trong IELTS Speaking part 3 nhé!

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Kinh nghiệm đời sống (Life experience) và nghỉ hưu là hai chủ đề quan trọng trong phần Speaking Part 3 của IELTS, phản ánh những góc nhìn và trải nghiệm cá nhân về cuộc sống và sự chuyển giao khi bước sang tuổi già. Khi thảo luận về kinh nghiệm đời sống, bạn sẽ có cơ hội chia sẻ những bài học quý giá, những khoảnh khắc đáng nhớ và các thách thức đã trải qua. Đồng thời, khi nói về nghỉ hưu, bạn sẽ khám phá những thay đổi, kế hoạch và quan điểm liên quan đến giai đoạn cuộc đời này. Cùng Smartcom English khám phá những kiến thức từ vựng nâng cao (band 8.0+) cho chủ đề này nhé!


Danh sách câu hỏi 

● At what age should people retire from work?
● What problems can people face after retirement?
● How important are retirees to your country’s economy?
● When should you start saving for retirement?
● Why do some companies encourage early retirement?

At what age should people retire from work?

The optimal retirement age is a complex issue influenced by various factors, including individual health, financial circumstances, and societal norms. While traditional retirement ages have historically been set in the late sixties, the increasing life expectancy and changing workforce dynamics necessitate a more flexible approach. Some individuals may find themselves financially secure and physically capable of continuing to work well into their seventies, while others may prefer an earlier retirement to pursue personal interests or care for loved ones. Ultimately, the decision of when to retire should be a personal one, carefully considered in light of individual circumstances and goals. It is essential to consult with financial advisors and healthcare professionals to make an informed decision that aligns with one’s long-term aspirations.

Word/Phrase Phonetic Transcription Part of Speech Vietnamese Meaning Example Sentence
optimal retirement age /ˈɒptɪməl rɪˈtaɪəmənt eɪdʒ/ noun phrase độ tuổi nghỉ hưu tối ưu There is no one-size-fits-all optimal retirement age.
societal norms /səˈsaɪətəl nɔːmz/ noun phrase chuẩn mực xã hội Societal norms regarding retirement are changing.
increasing life expectancy /ɪnˈkriːsɪŋ laɪf ɪkˈspektənsi/ noun phrase tuổi thọ ngày càng tăng Increasing life expectancy has led to a later retirement age.
workforce dynamics /ˈwɜːkfɔːs daɪˈnæmɪks/ noun phrase động lực lực lượng lao động Workforce dynamics are changing rapidly.
financial circumstances /fɪˈnænʃəl ˈsɜːkəmˌstænsɪz/ noun phrase hoàn cảnh tài chính Financial circumstances can affect retirement plans.
personal interests /ˈpɜːsənəl ˈɪntrəsts/ noun phrase sở thích cá nhân Many people retire to pursue personal interests.
long-term aspirations /lɒŋ tɜːm ˌæspəˈreɪʃənz/ noun phrase khát vọng dài hạn It’s important to consider your long-term aspirations when making retirement plans.
consult with financial advisors /kənˈsʌlt wɪð fɪˈnænʃəl ədˈvaɪzərz/ verb phrase tham khảo ý kiến của cố vấn tài chính You should consult with a financial advisor before making major financial decisions.
healthcare professionals /ˈhɛlθkeə prəˈfɛʃənlz/ noun phrase chuyên gia chăm sóc sức khỏe Consult with healthcare professionals to assess your health and fitness for retirement.
informed decision /ɪnˈfɔːmd dɪˈsɪʒn/ noun phrase quyết định có hiểu biết Make an informed decision about your retirement plans.

What problems can people face after retirement?

Retirement can present a variety of challenges, both physical and psychological. Social isolation can be a significant issue, as individuals may struggle to maintain social connections and find new sources of fulfillment. Additionally, financial insecurity can be a concern, especially for those who have not adequately planned for their retirement. Health problems are also common among retirees, and managing chronic conditions can be physically and emotionally taxing. Moreover, the transition from a structured work environment to the unstructured nature of retirement can lead to a sense of purposelessness and identity crisis. Addressing these challenges requires careful planning, a strong support network, and a proactive approach to maintaining physical and mental well-being.

Word/Phrase Phonetic Transcription Part of Speech Vietnamese Meaning Example Sentence
social isolation /ˈsəʊʃəl aɪsəˈleɪʃn/ noun phrase cô lập xã hội Social isolation can lead to feelings of loneliness and depression.
fulfillment /fʊlˈfɪlmənt/ noun sự thỏa mãn Finding a sense of fulfillment is important for overall well-being.
financial insecurity /fɪˈnænʃəl ɪnˈsɪkjʊəriti/ noun phrase bất ổn tài chính Financial insecurity can be a major source of stress.
health problems /ˈhɛlθ ˈprɒbləmz/ noun phrase vấn đề sức khỏe Many people experience health problems as they age.
chronic conditions /ˈkrɒnɪk kənˈdɪʃənz/ noun phrase các bệnh mãn tính Managing chronic conditions can be challenging.
sense of purposelessness /sɛns əv ˈpɜːpəsləsnəs/ noun phrase cảm giác vô nghĩa A sense of purposelessness can lead to feelings of depression.
identity crisis /aɪˈdentɪti ˈkraɪsɪs/ noun phrase khủng hoảng danh tính Retirement can sometimes lead to an identity crisis.
proactive approach /prəʊˈæktɪv əˈprəʊtʃ/ noun phrase cách tiếp cận chủ động A proactive approach to health and wellness is important for retirees.

How important are retirees to your country’s economy?

In Vietnam, retirees play a vital role in bolstering the economy through various channels. Their accumulated savings contribute to domestic consumption, stimulating demand for goods and services. Moreover, many retirees remain active in the workforce, either as full-time employees or freelancers, contributing their expertise and experience to the economy. Additionally, retirees often serve as mentors and role models for younger generations, fostering a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation. Furthermore, retirees contribute to the tourism industry by domestic travel and participating in leisure activities. While the specific economic impact of retirees may vary depending on factors such as pension policies and healthcare systems, it is undeniable that they make a valuable contribution to Vietnam’s economic landscape.

Vocabulary Breakdown

Word/Phrase Phonetic Transcription Part of Speech Vietnamese Meaning Example Sentence
accumulated savings /əˈkjuːmjəleɪtɪd ˈseɪvɪŋz/ noun phrase tiết kiệm tích lũy Retirees often have accumulated savings that they can spend.
domestic consumption /dəˈmɛstɪk kənˈsʌmpʃn/ noun phrase tiêu dùng nội địa Domestic consumption is a key driver of economic growth.
full-time employees /fʊl-taɪm ɪmˈplɔɪiːz/ noun phrase nhân viên toàn thời gian Many retirees continue to work as full-time employees.
freelancers /ˈfriːlɑːnsərz/ noun người làm việc tự do Freelancers offer flexible work arrangements.
expertise /ˌɛkspɜːˈtiːz/ noun chuyên môn Retirees can offer valuable expertise to businesses.
mentors /ˈmɛntɔːz/ noun người cố vấn Mentors can provide guidance and support to younger generations.
role models /ˈrəʊl ˈmɒdlz/ noun phrase tấm gương Retirees can serve as role models for younger generations.
culture of entrepreneurship /ˈkʌltʃər əv ˌɒntrəprəˈnɜːʃɪp/ noun phrase văn hóa khởi nghiệp A culture of entrepreneurship can foster economic growth.
innovation /ˌɪnəˈveɪʃn/ noun đổi mới Innovation is essential for economic development.
tourism industry /ˈtʊərɪzəm ˈɪndəstri/ noun phrase ngành du lịch Retirees contribute to the tourism industry through domestic travel.
pension policies /ˈpɛnʃn ˈpɒlɪsɪz/ noun phrase chính sách hưu trí Pension policies can affect the financial situation of retirees.
healthcare systems /ˈhɛlθkeə ˈsɪstəmz/ noun phrase hệ thống chăm sóc sức khỏe Access to healthcare is important for retirees.

When should you start saving for retirement?

In Vietnam, where the official retirement age is typically 60 for men and 55 for women, it is prudent to commence retirement savings as early as possible. The power of compound interest is a significant factor in accumulating a substantial retirement nest egg. Starting in your twenties or thirties can allow your investments to grow significantly over time. Additionally, considering the rising cost of living and potential healthcare expenses in retirement, early planning is crucial to ensure financial security. While individual circumstances may vary, it is generally advisable to begin saving for retirement at least 15 to 20 years prior to your desired retirement age.

Word/Phrase Phonetic Transcription Part of Speech Vietnamese Meaning Example Sentence
official retirement age /əˈfɪʃəl rɪˈtaɪəmənt eɪdʒ/ noun phrase tuổi nghỉ hưu chính thức The official retirement age in Vietnam is 60 for men and 55 for women.
compound interest /ˈkɒmpaʊnd ˈɪntrəst/ noun phrase lãi kép Compound interest can significantly increase your savings over time.
retirement nest egg /rɪˈtaɪəmənt nest ɛɡ/ noun phrase khoản tiết kiệm hưu trí It’s important to build a substantial retirement nest egg.
early planning /ˈɜːli ˈplænɪŋ/ noun phrase kế hoạch sớm Early planning is essential for a successful retirement.
financial security /fɪˈnænʃəl sɪˈkjʊəriti/ noun phrase an ninh tài chính Financial security is a major goal for many people.

Why do some companies encourage early retirement?

In Vietnam, several factors contribute to companies offering early retirement incentives. One primary reason is the increasing average age of the workforce, which can lead to higher labor costs and reduced productivity. By encouraging early retirement, companies can streamline their workforce and create opportunities for younger, potentially more cost-effective employees. Additionally, some companies may offer early retirement packages as a means of cost-cutting during economic downturns or to restructure their operations. Furthermore, early retirement can be a mutually beneficial arrangement, allowing employees to enjoy a well-deserved rest while freeing up resources for the company.

Word/Phrase Phonetic Transcription Part of Speech Vietnamese Meaning Example Sentence
average age /ˈævərɪdʒ eɪdʒ/ noun phrase tuổi trung bình The average age of the workforce is increasing.
labor costs /ˈleɪbər kɒsts/ noun phrase chi phí lao động Reducing labor costs can improve a company’s profitability.
reduced productivity /rɪˈdjuːst prəˌdʌkˈtɪvɪti/ noun phrase năng suất giảm Decreased productivity can lead to lower profits.
streamline their workforce /ˈstriːmlaɪn ðeə ˈwɜːkfɔːs/ verb phrase tinh gọn lực lượng lao động Streamlining the workforce can improve efficiency.
create opportunities /kriˈeɪt ˌɒpəˈtʃuːnɪtɪz/ verb phrase tạo cơ hội Early retirement can create opportunities for younger employees.
cost-cutting /ˈkɒst-kʌtɪŋ/ noun cắt giảm chi phí Companies often implement cost-cutting measures during economic downturns.
restructure /riːˈstrʌktʃər/ verb tái cấu trúc Restructuring can help a company become more efficient.
well-deserved rest /ˌwel dɪˈzɜːvd rɛst/ noun phrase sự nghỉ ngơi xứng đáng Early retirement can provide a well-deserved rest.

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