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Tổng hợp đề thi IELTS Speaking theo chủ đề

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Việc luyện tập kỹ năng Nói với nhiều chủ đề khác nhau sẽ giúp thí sinh thêm tự tin trong kì thi IELTS. Trong bài viết này, Smartcom English sẽ tổng hợp các chủ đề có khả năng xuất hiện trong đề thi IELTS Speaking Part 1, Part 2 và Part 3. 

Tổng hợp đề thi IELTS Speaking theo chủ đề

Tổng quan về đề thi IELTS Speaking

Phần thi IELTS Speaking bao gồm 3 phần: Part 1, Part 2 và Part 3. Mỗi phần thi sẽ có một tiêu chí riêng mà thí sinh cần đạt được.

Thời gian thi: 11-14 phút.

Các phần trong đề IELTS Speaking:

  • Part 1:
    • Part 1 thường được nhận xét là phần thi khá đơn giản. 
    • Câu hỏi gần gũi, liên quan đến thí sinh (thông tin, quê quán, gia đình, kinh nghiệm và trải nghiệm cá nhân,…).
    • Thí sinh cần có khả năng trình bày và giới thiệu đơn giản về mình.
  • Part 2:
    • Thí sinh được yêu cầu trình bày về một chủ đề được cho sẵn (cue card).
    • Chuẩn bị trong 1 phút và trình bày trong 1-2 phút.
    • Thí sinh cần có khả năng diễn đạt, chia sẻ một cách tự tin, lưu loát.
  • Part 3:
    • Câu hỏi trừu tượng, mở rộng từ các chủ đề trong Part 2.
    • Thí sinh cần có khả năng trao đổi, thảo luận với giám khảo một cách khách quan, phổ quát hơn.

Thang điểm bài thi IELTS Speaking: từ 0 – 9.0

Thang điểm IELTS Speaking

Dự đoán đề thi IELTS Speaking Part 1 theo chủ đề

Dự đoán IELTS Speaking Part 1

Tổng hợp 10 chủ đề thường gặp trong bộ đề IELTS Speaking Part 1:


  • Can you tell me about your hometown?
  • Where did you grow up?
  • Is your hometown in the city or the countryside?
  • What do you like most about your hometown?
  • Is there anything that you dislike about your hometown?
  • What is your hometown famous for?


  • How many people are there in your family?
  • Do you have any siblings?
  • Do you have a close-knit family?
  • Do you live in a nuclear or an extended family?
  • What activities do you enjoy doing with your family?
  • How often do you see your family members?


  • Do you work or study?
  • What is your current job?
  • What major are you in?
  • What do you enjoy most about your job/study?
  • How did you choose this career path?
  • What are your future career/study plans?


  • Do you live in a house or an apartment?
  • Do you prefer to live in a house or a flat?
  • Who do you live with?
  • What do you like most about your accommodation?
  • What’s your favorite room in your house?
  • How far is your accommodation from your workplace/school?
  • Can you describe your ideal living space?


  • Do you have a hobby?
  • Do you have any special hobbies?
  • How did you become interested in your hobbies?
  • Do you prefer indoor or outdoor hobbies?
  • What hobbies are popular among your friends?


  • Do you often use technology?
  • What is your favorite piece of technology?
  • Do you have your own laptop?
  • How often do you use the internet in a day?
  • What’s your favorite website?


  • What food do you like?
  • Do you like to eat in or dine out?
  • Do you enjoy cooking?
  • What is your favorite dish from your country?
  • Do you like your country’s or other country’s cuisine more?
  • How often do you eat out at restaurants?
  • Do you like to try new food from other cultures?


  • What’s the weather like today?
  • What is the typical weather like in your hometown?
  • Do you prefer hot or cold weather?
  • Do you like the weather in your place?
  • Does the weather affect your daily activities?
  • Does the weather affect your feelings and emotions?
  • What is your favorite season?


  • How did you get here today?
  • How do you usually commute to work/school?
  • Do you prefer to drive or take the public transport?
  • Do you like the public transportation system in your city?


  • What piece of clothing do you like the most?
  • Do you follow fashion trends?
  • Do you often buy new clothes?
  • How often do you buy new clothing pieces?
  • What factors influence your clothing choices?
  • Is fashion a popular topic with young people?

Daily routine

  • What is your typical daily routine?
  • What time do you usually wake up in the morning?
  • How do you usually start your day?
  • What do you usually do during your lunch break?
  • Do you find it easy to stick to your daily routine?
  • Is there anything you would like to change about your daily routine?


  • Do you often go on a trip?
  • How often do you go on vacations?
  • What is your favorite holiday destination?
  • Do you prefer traveling alone or with friends/family?
  • What activities do you enjoy doing while on vacation?
  • Do you prefer beach vacations or city breaks? Why?


  • Do you have a lot of friends?
  • Can you describe your best friend?
  • How did you meet your closest friends?
  • What qualities do you value most in a friend?
  • Do you prefer having a few or many friends?
  • How often do you spend time with your friends?
  • Have you ever disagreed with a friend? 


  • Do you like listening to music?
  • What type of music do you enjoy listening to?
  • Can you play any musical instruments?
  • How does music affect your mood?
  • Do you prefer live music or recorded music?
  • Who is your favorite musician or band?
  • How do you discover new music?


  • Do you enjoy playing sports?
  • How often do you exercise or play sports?
  • What are the most popular sports in your country?
  • What sports are popular to watch on television in your country?
  • Do you prefer individual sports or team sports?
  • Are there any sports you would like to try in the future?

Dự đoán đề thi IELTS Speaking Part 2 và 3 theo chủ đề

Dự đoán câu hỏi IELTS Speaking Part 2 và 3

Dưới đây là tổng hợp đề thi Nói IELTS Speaking Part 2 và 3 thường gặp nhất:

Part 2 Part 3
A historical place you have visited.
  • Why do you think people are interested in visiting historical places?
  • Do you think it’s important for schools to organize field trips to historical places? Why or why not?
  • How has technology affected the preservation and presentation of historical sites?
  • In your opinion, what makes a historical site worth visiting?


A book you have read that you like.
  • Do you think it’s important for schools to encourage students to read books? Why or why not?
  • Should children be encouraged to read more books?
  • How do people’s preferences for reading material vary across different age groups?
  • What role do libraries and parents play in promoting reading habits?


A skill you would like to learn in the future.
  • How do you think learning new skills benefits individuals in their work and study?
  • Do you believe that it’s easier to learn new skills when you’re younger or older? Why?
  • How do you think technology has influenced the way people learn new skills?
  • Is it important to develop new skills in today’s world?


A person who has been a great influence on you.
  • In what ways can individuals influence the lives of others?
  • What qualities do influential people often have?
  • Can you discuss the difference between positive and negative influences in someone’s life?
  • Should individuals be mindful of the influence they have on others?


A movie or TV show you recently watched and enjoyed.
  • How do movies and TV shows impact young people?
  • What do you consider when choosing which movies or TV shows to watch?
  • How have streaming services changed the way people consume entertainment?
  • How do people’s choices of enjoying films in the present different from the past?


A festival or celebration that is important in your culture.
  • How do festivals and celebrations contribute to preserving cultural traditions?
  • How are modern celebrations different compared to traditional ones?
  • Can you discuss the economic impact of festivals and celebrations on local communities?
  • Do festivals and celebrations promote connection and unity among ethnic groups?


A time when you had to solve a problem at work or school.
  • What do you often do when faced with a problem-solving situation?
  • How do you come up with different solutions when solving a problem?
  • Is it better to solve problems collaboratively or individually.?
  • Can you discuss a time when a problem-solving approach didn’t work as expected? 


A hobby or activity you enjoy doing in your free time.
  • How do hobbies and leisure activities contribute to overall well-being and mental health?
  • What factors do you consider when choosing a new hobby?
  • How has technology influenced the popularity of having hobbies among people?
  • Some people say hobbies and interests can reflect a person’s personality. What is your opinion?


A sporting event you attended.
  • How do sporting events contribute to the community bond of a nation?
  • What makes attending a live sporting event different from watching it on TV?
  • How do sports promote social interaction among people?
  • In what ways do sporting events influence tourism and travel activities?


A piece of technology you find useful in your daily life.
  • How has technology changed the way people live and work?
  • How do you think technologies will further transform daily life in the future?
  • Should children be banned from using technology by their parents?


A photo that makes you feel happy
  • How do photographs evoke emotions and memories in people?
  • What qualities do you think make a photo particularly memorable?
  • How has the rise of social media platforms influenced the way people view and share photos?
  • Do you think digital photos will outnumber other types of photos in the future?


A great teacher you had in school.
  • What qualities do you think an inspiring teacher always has?
  • How do teachers impact the academic and personal development of their students?
  • Can you discuss the importance of healthy communication between teachers and students?
  • How do teaching methods vary among different educators?


Tham khảo đề thi IELTS Speaking 2023 và 2024

Hãy cùng tham khảo một số đề thi IELTS Speaking và câu trả lời mẫu từ Smartcom English tại các bài viết dưới đây:

Đề thi IELTS Speaking 2023

Đề thi IELTS Speaking Part 1: Space and Stars

Đề thi IELTS Speaking Part 1: Music

Đề thi IELTS Speaking Part 1: Staying up late

Đề thi IELTS Speaking Part 1: Weekend

Dự đoán đề thi IELTS Speaking 2024

Tham khảo bài viết Dự đoán IELTS Speaking Quý 1 2024 tại đây.

Bộ đề dự báo IELTS Speaking Quý 1 2024

Tổng kết

Thông qua bài viết trên, Smartcom English đã tổng hợp các chủ đề và các câu hỏi có thể xuất hiện trong đề thi IELTS Speaking. Ngoài ra, bạn cũng có thể tham khảo các bài viết từ các chuyên gia của Smartcom English về bài thi IELTS và luyện thi IELTS 4 kỹ năng tại trang web www.smartcom.vn. Chúc các bạn ôn tập tốt và đạt kết quả cao trong kỳ thi Speaking sắp tới!



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